The three visiting prime ministers also met with their Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, who blamed Ukraine for failure to honor a multilateral agreement to resume shipment of gas to Europe. 普京指责乌克兰没有履行向欧洲恢复供气的多边协定。
Multilateral agreement for the prevention of incidents at sea; 防止海上事故多边协定;
IATA Hotel Accommodation, Meals, and Surface Transport Multilateral Agreement 空运协会旅馆住宿、餐食和水陆运输多边协议
Decisions of the Ministerial Conference and the General Council shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise provided in this agreement or in the relevant multilateral trade agreement. 部长级会议和总理事会的决定应以所投票数的简单多数作出,除非本协定或有关多边贸易协定另有规定。
However, the main drawback of an EU-US FTA is that it might extinguish the remaining hope of achieving a truly multilateral trade agreement. 不过,欧盟-美国自由贸易协定最大的问题在于,它可能会令达成真正的多边贸易协定的最后一丝希望化为泡影。
The last successful multilateral trade agreement was in 1994, when 123 countries gathered to negotiate the creation of the World Trade Organisation and agreed on a new set of rules for international trade. 上一次成功达成多边贸易协定是在1994年:当时123个国家聚集一堂,协商建立世界贸易组织(wto),并就一套新的国际贸易规则达成了共识。
The Ministerial Conference shall have the authority to take decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements, if so requested by a member, in accordance with the specific requirements for decision-making in this Agreement and in the relevant multilateral trade agreement. 如一成员提出请求,部长级会议有权依照本协定和有关多边贸易协定中关于决策的具体要求,对任何多边贸易协定项下的所有事项作出决定。
There is a multilateral agreement to keep the peace between the two countries. 两国达成了一项和平共处的多边协议。
The UN called on governments to take joint action to avoid a possible "steep and abrupt" decline in the value of the US currency, calling for multilateral agreement on a realignment of exchange rates. 联合国呼吁各国政府联合行动,避免美元可能出现的“急剧和突然”贬值,并呼吁各国在汇率调整方面达成多边协议。
And it is China that is making tens of billions of dollars available for ASEAN projects such as infrastructure initiatives and the Cheng Mai multilateral swaps agreement. 中国正拨出数百亿美元资金,投向基础设施等东盟项目以及清迈多边互换协议。
If you allow me an analogy with Indian cuisine, regional trade agreements are the pepper in a good curry sauce which is the multilateral agreement, he said. 他表示:如果让我用印度烹饪方法来打比方,那么可以把多边协议比作品质优良的咖喱汁,地区性协议则是其中的辣椒。
To negotiate a multilateral agreement where signatories would place into the public domain, or find other means of sharing at modest cost, the results of largely publicly funded research. 商签一项多边协定,签约方将把大部分由公共部门资助的研究成果公之于众,或者寻求其他的办法以最小的成本分享这一成果。
Decisions to approve amendments to the Multilateral Trade Agreement in Annex 3 shall take effect for all Members upon approval by the Ministerial Conference. 批准对附件3所列多边贸易协定修正的决定,经部长级会议批准后,应对所有成员生效。
The meeting agreed to increase the available funds from$ 80bn to$ 120bn and to change the initiative from a loose bilateral currency swap agreements to a multilateral agreement. 会议同意将可用资金从800亿美元增加至1200亿美元,同时将松散的双边货币互换协议变为多边协议。
Currently, the research for a comprehensive multilateral agreement of investment, therefore, has grown into one of the most significant programs in the area of international investment law. U. 对综合性多边投资协定的探求,成为当前国际投资法领域最重要的课题之一。
Having research on TRIMs, GATS and the multilateral investment agreement, we will know the influence which WTO has had and will have on the international investment law. 对TRIMs、GATs以及酝酿中的多边投资协定进行研究,会知道WTO对国际投资法制已经和将要产生的影响。
GATS is one of the important agreements in WTO legal system, especially as the first multilateral agreement on regulation of global trade in service, and its own characteristic also decides the inescapability of the existence of exception clauses. 而服务贸易总协定(GATS)作为其中一项重要的协议,作为调整服务贸易的第一个多边性协议,其本身特点也决定了例外条款存在的不可避免性。
GATS is currently the most important multilateral agreement of trade in services in the field of international trade in services. 《服务贸易总协定》是当今国际服务贸易领域的一部最重要的服务贸易多边协定。
First, it briefly introduces the international FDI law system by presenting all the territorial agreement, hypo-multilateral and multilateral agreement. 本章首先对国际直接投资法律体系进行了一个简单介绍,历数了国际所有的区域性、次多边和多边投资协定。
Constructing An International Investment Multilateral Agreement Within WTO Frame 论在WTO框架内建立国际投资多边协议
The Multilateral Agreement of Investment ( MAI) is one of parts to improve the liberalization of international investment. Later it ends in failure due to some reasons. 多边投资协议(简称MAI)是为了推动国际投资自由化而进行的工作之一,后由于多方面的原因而以失败告终。
It is a part of the multilateral agreement of non-tariff wall in WTO law frame. 它是WTO法律框架中非关税壁垒的多边协定中的一部分。
Legal Measures Against Extorting a Confession by Torture Multilateral Agreement on Investment and Strategy of China 国际投资多边法律规制与我国的对策
With the entry of WTO, China's food circulation will be open to outside world under the requirement of multilateral agreement. 加入WTO,我国的粮食流通领域必须遵照多边协议的要求,按既定的进程对外开放。
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the international community. All countries wish to reach a bonding multilateral agreement on the post-2012 greenhouse gas emissions during the Copenhagen Conference. 面对日益严峻的气候变化问题,各国希望哥本哈根气候变化大会能够制定一个含有约束性承诺的多边协定,来确定2012年以后温室气体减排的框架。
The regional concluded bilateral or multilateral trade agreement has made important achievements. 缔结区域性的双边或多边贸易协定已经取得举足轻重的成绩。
It analyzes the realization of National treatment in international law from Bilateral Investment Treaty and Multilateral Agreement on Investment. Then it discusses the enlightenment for our country in the stage of the admission of foreign investment. 本章主要从双边投资协定及多边投资协定的角度对外资准入时期国民待遇在国际法上的体现进行讨论,分析对我国外资准入时期国民待遇的启发。
According to the present situation, there are certain difficulties to develop a global unified multilateral agreement on investment, and the development of regional investment agreements has space for development. 目前来看,制定一个全球性的统一的多边投资协定还存在一定困难,使得区域性投资协定有了发展空问。
Countries will face such a choice, continue to adopt unilateral, bilateral treaties or make foreign direct investment rules in the regional organization, or establish a comprehensive multilateral agreement on investment with common efforts. 各国将面临这样一种选择,是继续采取单边、双边方式或在区域性的组织内制定外国直接投资规则,还是共同努力以制定一个全面的多边投资协议。
This treaty was the first multilateral agreement to provide protection for geographical indications although it was rather general and weak when compared to the protections afforded by the TRIPS Agreement. 尽管与TRIPS协议提供的保护相比,该公约的规定还较原则和保护力度还较弱,但是,《巴黎公约》是第一个为地理标志提供保护的多边公约。